Thursday, 21 December 2017

The Five Best Things About Christmas

Christmas is an odd time of year, when you really think about it the month of December is quite unlike any other. It's a time when everyone comes together, a time of festive cheer, but also a time for the odd scrooge here or there - baa humbug! And whilst I'd usually be lusting after the warm summer weather, without a doubt Christmas has always been my favourite time of year for a variety of reasons.

I've also previously written about my favourite Christmas music; whilst I haven't included it within this list, there's no doubt that music doesn't top it. If you'd like to discover what music I love to listen to during this festive season, you can here!

Wednesday, 20 December 2017

What I Got For My Birthday 2017

Granted, by the time this post goes up my birthday would've been almost a month ago, but I still thought it was worth showing you some of the items I was lucky enough to receive for my 23rd. I'm an incredibly nosy person and so posts like this massively intrigue me. I picked out a selection of items to show you, (I guess the more photogenic items seeing as I'm a blogger), as whilst I love everything I was gifted, there are some things that just do not photograph very well; that or I'm not a great photographer - probably the latter in all honesty!

Monday, 18 December 2017

Where I'll Be Looking During The Boxing Day Sales

Okay, maybe it's a little early to begin thinking about this, I mean, it's over a week away, but being the big spender I am, one of the things I greatly look forward to after Christmas day is embarrassingly the Boxing Day sales! Now I'm definitely not one of those people to get up at the crack of dawn and head down to my favourite store to try and scour for the best bargains, I much prefer doing it all from the comfort of my own home, online, as I'm sure many of you do too. 

Based on previous years, there's certain stores which I always love looking at as Boxing Day rolls around. So I've decided to share with you some of those stores, as well as some of my favourite items currently in stock - let's hope they all go on sale in time for the 26th!


Friday, 15 December 2017

Top 3 Christmas Red Lips

As we roll ever so close to Christmas day, the red lips are certainly coming out in full force. I'm a big lover of a red lip for the festive season, as I'm sure many of you are too, but since making the decision to go cruelty-free, I've since realised how few products I actually own from cruelty-free brands. However, after having a scrummage through my entire collection, I managed to find some absolute gems; some which I have well and truly used and abused and others that I'm only just beginning to find love for.

Thursday, 14 December 2017

What's On My Christmas Wishlist 2017?

Christmas is mere week and a half away (isn't that crazy?), and in preparation for the special day, I've been spotting a plethora Christmas wishlist blog posts over every corner of the Internet. I'm such a curious person and so these posts have always massively interested me; plus, their unintentionally great little gift guides too! Seeing as I enjoy Christmas wishlist posts so much, it seemed only right to create one myself.

I should mention that I do in fact know the majority of the gifts I'll be lucky enough to receive; it's not that I don't like surprises, I do, but in our family we like to clarify that we're buying gifts that the end-user will really utilise. That said, whilst I know some of the gifts mentioned within this wish list I will be receiving, I certainly know that I always won't be receiving many of them on the 25th too! 

Wednesday, 13 December 2017

What's On My Christmas Playlist?

If there's one thing that'll put me in the Christmas mood, it's guaranteed to be Christmas music. For me, the festive season has officially begun from the moment that I blast my favourite Christmas playlist whilst I'm decorating our family Christmas tree; embarrassingly I find that it's one of the happiest days of the year!

So what do I tend to listen to on my Christmas playlist? 

Tuesday, 12 December 2017

Last Minute Disney Christmas Gift Guide

If you know me, you'll definitely know that I am a huge Disney fan, so much so that I've vlogged my last two Walt Disney World holidays and my YouTube channel has shifted to mainly Disney related topics!

I love Disney, in fact I recently wrote a post on Why I Keep Going Back To Disney to give everyone a greater understanding of why Disney and the parks mean so much to me. And whilst I'd give anything to be there right now, the next best thing is to bring a little Disney into the home; and I know I'm not the only one who'd be lusting after some Disney items this Christmas. It's not just for kids, Disney is for the young at heart, those of all ages and this gift guide is perfect for absolutely any Disney fan.


Monday, 11 December 2017

Walking In A Winter Wonderland

I'm sure you're well and truly aware, but winter has certainly arrived here in the UK! A blessing and curse all at once, it seems as though us in the Midlands and those in Wales have gotten the brunt of the snow this time around. There's so much to love about the snow, yet I despise it all at the same time.

I love how Christmassy the snow makes me feel, especially in the run-up to the special day; I love seeing how happy all the kids are, knowing that they're able to spend the day sledding and making snowmen, and the fashion; I love being able to pull out my chunkiest scarves, oversized coats and wooly hats; I absolutely love it all!

But at the same time I'm absolutely terrified; terrified of slipping on the ice, as well as driving on it too! I'm sure many countries who receive feet upon feet of the stuff are probably laughing at how us Brits handle the situation - cancelling schools, having days of work, public transport grinds to a near halt etc. but in retrospect we're just not used to this weather here. I don't know what it's like where you live, but 90% of the time when in snows in my town, it just doesn't stick that much, and if it does it's simply a light coating, not the 4-5 inches we received in a few hours yesterday. Plus what's the point in purchasing snow tyres to use once every few years when the snow decides to stick?

Thursday, 7 December 2017

Last Minute Christmas Gift Guide For Her

I'm probably the last blogger to start her Christmas posts this festive season, but hey ho, they're finally here! And in good time, because nows that time when more and more people begin to stress over what to buy their loved ones as the big day looms just around the corner. Can't find that perfect gift for your mum or maybe you have a friend who already has everything? Don't worry; I'm here to bring you a plethora of options suited for any and every female this season. Heck, you may even spot the perfect gift for some of the men in your life!

Tuesday, 5 December 2017

All About Brows: Soap & Glory Review

Ask me what beauty products I couldn't live without and brow products are bound to make it somewhere near the top of the list. I have a thing for good eyebrows, an obsession, so an incredible brow product is essential for someone of my ilk. I've tried a few these past years, but I always tend to run straight back to Soap & Glory. 

And for good reason.
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