Thursday 17 November 2016

A Struggling Graduate | The Troubles of Finding a Graduate Job

As a now recently qualified university graduate, I wouldn't blame you for thinking I'd be on top of the world right now. But in fact, you'd be completely wrong. Attending my graduation a few weeks back was both a blessing and a curse; a blessing for the fact that I could celebrate finishing years of studying, exams, and lets not get started on the dreaded dissertation, but a curse in a large way, as seeing many of my fellow graduates and friends succeed in their post-university life can be quite discouraging. Discouraging as over six months since finishing my last exam, I'm still out of a full-time job.

I've begun questioning whether my degree was truly worth it; whether I could've begun my career over three years ago without the need to study and without racking up the significant debt that comes along with it. 

My days are now largely spent scouring job sites and other online platforms, sending off those specifically tailored cover letters and CV's once again to find that one perfect job. And when I finally land myself an interview, I spend so much time focussed on the preparation that other applications are then put on hold, meaning that there may be potential opportunities that I am then missing out on. The trouble is, after countless applications and numerous interviews, no one seems to want to employ me.

Trust me, I understand just how competitive the job market is. Along with thousands of others graduating with similar degrees and aiming for the same jobs, the ability to stand out amongst the crowd has become astonishingly hard, and it's now increasingly important to have something that separates you from everyone else. For me, that being both my blog and Youtube channel. Whilst this always tends to impress employers and reveals that I do have many transferable skills which I have gained as a result, there is always one thing however that appears to get in my way; my confidence.

My perceived confidence to potential employers always appears to be that one reason why I don't progress into the next stage of interviews, or why I'm knocked down right at the last hurdle. It's not even that I lack confidence. Sure, if you'd asked me three or four years ago that would've been the case, but my exposure to customers during part-time work and my improved (written and verbal) communication through my online content had skyrocketed my confidence. I was going to interviews feeling relaxed, confident, hopeful that this would finally be the job for me, but alas, it has yet to be the case. Maybe I don't convey this confident persona as well during an interview...I guess it will always be a relatively nerve-wracking situation whatever the case. But knowing that this is the reason why time after time I continue to be unsuccessful, it instead takes a significant knock on my confidence. So much so that I turned into an emotional wreck recently when I was unsuccessful for multiple roles, this being the only reason why.

There is a part of me questioning the reason as to why I'm writing this post. As I said before, I do mention my blog in order to support my applications and I am well aware that employers have been on my site before and will most likely continue to do so, so this is out there for everyone to see. At the end of the day, my blog is here not only for me to share my opinions on varying beauty, fashion or Disney topics, but as an outlet for me to share my true feelings and emotions. I'm sure there are also many other graduates in a similar situation to myself, and I guess for anyone out there alike, it's positive to know that you're not the only one in this current state. I know that the right opportunity will come along for us all eventually, there is something out there; all it take is a little perseverance! 

Have you been through a similar situation? What would be your top tip to getting your foot onto the career ladder?

Lots of Love

1 comment

  1. hey lizzie I can also relate with you. I also just graduated as an Aerospace engineer after four years of study in Ukraine.i am 25 years old and I just returned to my country Zambia in Africa last year in august after four years without even having a clue of how my country zambia had changed. The only job i managed to have was a seven month NON-paid internship as a trainee aircraft engineer. At the beginning of my internship here in africa I was really depressed because I was used to the european life as a young person and my parents always sent me more than enough money for my up keep while I was still in Ukraine. Imagine now they do not give me a monthly allowance because they have their own commitments but only some small amount for basic needs and all. I finsihed my internship and I have made about 700 applications here and abroad and they all keep on telling me that they will keep my CV on file and get back to me the day they will have vacancies. Thats been my inbox mail from april until now. I also tried today and others haven't even responded. But do you know what keeps me confident and have faith that something will work out for me? The idea that i EXIST AS A HUMAN BEING IS EVIDENCE ENOUGH for me to know that I am treasure on this earth. I also spend most of my times blogging because I love innovation, by the way my blog is "SPACEKON.BLOGSPOT.COM". Its people like you who are honest about their journeys in life that rub confidence against a person like me on a journey of self discovery. Thank you very much for this post and I wish you the very best in life and a job that's going to bring out the greatest pleasures and rewards for you and your family. Best of luck fellow blogger:)


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