Friday, 11 May 2018

Green People Review | Cruelty-Free Beauty

I feel as though it's been the longest time since I sat down and wrote a post about an entirely new makeup brand. I say entirely new because until not too long ago I'd never actually tried anything from this brand, so therefore it's entirely new to me. The matter of the fact is they've been around for 20 years!

So who am I talking about?

Green People! For those of you who haven't yet heard of this brand, you're going to want to make a note of them (for reasons that will be touched upon within this post). Most importantly for myself, Green People is actually a completely cruelty-free beauty brand! Some of you may already be aware of the fact that I've gone cruelty-free with my beauty this past year and making that decision meant that I had to give up purchasing some of my favourite products from some of my favourite brands. At the same time it's meant that I'm trying to find new "favourites" in the process, so discovering another cruelty-free company opens up so many more options for someone like myself.
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