Friday, 20 February 2015

The Glam Guide / First Impressions & Review

With Fleur De Force being one of the most successful beauty and fashion bloggers/YouTuber's, it seemed inevitable that someday she would come out with her own book. Well now it has finally happened. I'm sure you all keep up to date with Fleur on a regular basis and have been anticipating the release of her new book, so today I thought I would share with you my first impressions and thoughts on The Glam Guide.


Friday, 13 February 2015

Drugstore Makeup Haul ft. Maybelline & Revlon!

So after saying to myself that I was going to be good this month and spend absolutely no money on unnecessary clothes and makeup, I can safely say that this has pretty much gone tits up...
Sometimes when I have a little time to spare whilst at uni, I always somehow seem to end up in Boots, Superdrug or some clothing store, and then my purse just magically appears whilst I'm waiting at the checkouts with too much stuff in my does this always happen?!
I have been picking up both beauty and fashion items, however in this post I'm simply going to just show you the makeup products I picked up - if you want to see what fashion items I picked up, make sure to watch my new haul video at the end! Before getting started, I'd also like to apologise for the lack in posts this week. I've had a lot to deal with these past two weeks, but now as I have some spare time, I'm here again!!


Monday, 2 February 2015

My Coat Collection

As Winter is drawing to end (even though it's still freezing here in the UK), I thought now would be the perfect time to show you one of my biggest obsessions this season...COATS! I have created a video on my YouTube channel to show you each of my coats, but I also thought it would be a great idea to write a little blog post to tell you about each and every coat in a little bit of detail.
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