Wednesday 15 February 2017

KIKO Milano Nail Lacquer Bargain

I love buying a good beauty product, there's no doubt about that. But there's one thing that I seemingly always seem to skip out on - nail polish. It's not that I don't like nail polish, I just think it's the fact that I'm too lazy. Basically too lazy to sit there, apply multiple layers of nail polish and wait there for what seems like forever for them to dry. Plus it always seems as though those moments when I'm waiting for my nails to dry is when I actually need to do something...something that will no doubt mess up the polish on my nails! And because I'm generally not someone who paints my nails, I refuse to pay much to add new polishes to my collection. In fact, Poundland used to be my favourite place to purchase nail polishes a few years ago! Finding Sally Hansen polishes in Poundland was just incredible! And now I've stumbled across another bargain!

Let's rewind back a few weeks ago when I was down in the capital. Strutting down Oxford Street, we stumbled across the KIKO Milano store. As I recently placed an order on KIKO which arrived with completely smashed eyeshadows, KIKO reimbursed me with a £20 gift code which I could use online or in store. As I had that code at hand, I decided to head in to a grab a couple of products that I've been lusting after. Whilst I picked up one of their stick highlighters and lipsticks, I also stumbled across the nail lacquer selection which was apparently on a 3 for £5 deal. I thought this was an absolute steal and picked up a couple of my favourite colours, plus the clear coat (which I've been in dire need of) and headed to pay at the till. To my shock, the lady at the till then told me that the deal was in fact 5 for £5 and I quickly went back to pick up two extra colours! I got all of these colours for £5?!

As the vast majority of my nail polish collection consists of pinks and reds, I wanted to make sure to grab a few shades that I didn't yet own. Aside from the generic clear coat, I thought these colours would be perfect. Whilst I picked a dark grey-ish blue, I mainly opted for brighter shades. My absolute favourites would be the purple and blue, however I am evidently also excited to experiment with the green nail lacquer as well!

Although I am yet to actually try these polishes, when I do a review will be coming your way. But if you're fortunate enough to have a KIKO Milano store nearby, definitely check to see whether this incredible deal is still going on! The colour selection is absolutely incredible, and for £5, it's quite simply a bargain!

What is your go-to nail polish colour?

Lots of Love

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