Monday 23 May 2016

A New Beginning.

If you've been a reader of my blog for some time, you may have noticed how dormant I've been around here recently. Life caught up with me with an over-importance set upon university and coursework, and then working every weekend doesn't help too. But I can now officially say that I'm back, and this time hopefully it'll be a permanent thing. You may also be able to see two big changes with my blog; the name and layout!

I'm very serious about making my blog more of an attractive and interesting place for each of my viewers to visit, so this time around decided to invest in bettering it. The name has completely changed. xBeautyMagic has left and Lizzie Gines has arrived! Why? For those of you who may watch my YouTube videos, you'll notice that everything is posted under my self-titled channel. I'm also beginning to move my social media channels from xBeautyMagic to LizzieGines and so it made more sense for me to change the name to coincide with all of these. Also, it's worth mentioning that I just got bored of my old name. It was something that I made up on a whim and honestly, I just felt like I outgrew it. The beauty aspect also limited me as to what I could post. The change to Lizzie Gines however means that whilst I can continue to post about beauty and fashion, which will still be the main aspects of this blog, I can also venture into more lifestyle topics such as food, travel and advice. So I knew that when I made the change from blogspot to my own domain, I would simply change it to my own self-titled blog.

The layout has also undergone a massive change. I wasn't happy with the design of my "old" blog, and as I'm no website designer, felt that it maybe looked a little too amateurish for what I was aspiring. I decided to go ahead with purchasing a blog template from pipdig and after much umming and ahhing over which template to choose, I opted for Firefly. The installation was extremely easy to do with the guide they provided after purchase and took me about 20 minutes to finalise my entire layout, including all the little tweaks I made along the way. They also allow the option of having them install the entire template for you instead, but I wanted to make sure that I was aware of all the different aspects of my template and so wanted to understand these through my own installation process. And honestly, with how easy it is, I never would have needed the assistance.

All in all, I feel that the new template gives my blog a much sleeker look than previously and I'm so happy with all of the changes. I'm also obsessed with the Instagram bar at the top of my blog and love the design of the navigation bar too, which you'll be able to see comes down when you scroll too. You can also click on a particular category if you're coming to this blog just to look at one particular topic, making it super easy to find certain posts and the new brand directory may also help you to find particular posts on a brand you love!

And when will I post? I've made myself a little schedule. As of right now, I will be posting on Tuesday's, Thursday's and Saturday's with my posts scheduled to go up around 11am (GMT) each day. I've set no restrictions as to what I'm going to post on certain days as I want the freedom to choose my topics, but as far as I know, Saturday's post will usually coincide with Friday's video on my YouTube channel. Don't worry, it won't just be a big advertisement for my video, but it will in some way relate. For example, I may do a review of a product that was featured in my Monthly Favourites video! As I'm aware, there may be times when I am too busy to post 3 times a week and as a result, it is likely that over any other day, I may have to forgo Thursday's post.

What do you think of my new blog layout and domain? Are you excited for the changes?

Lots of Love


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