Tuesday 31 May 2016

Instagram Roundup | May

I love Instagram and this year in particular have been more active on it than ever. I document so much of my life on the platform and love that I can look back over the past few moths or even years to see the things that I got up to. So each month I've now decided to so a monthly Instagram roundup to pinpoint the highlights of my month, as well as to share it with anyone who does not follow me on Instagram either!

This month has been very eventful for me; not in the sense that I've travelled places and seen things, but in the sense that this month has led to drastic changes in my life.

My highlights this month include:
  • Finishing university. After three years, this month I sent off my final assignment and completed my final exam. It's crazy to think that it's all over as it honestly feels like I started just a few weeks ago, but it's not into the big 'ol world for me. I'm now just waiting for my results to come back to see what my overall degree classification will be. Fingers crossed I did well in the dreaded dissertation.
  • Relaunching my blog. The reason you're here right now - this month I decided to completely relaunch by blog with a new design and a new domain. I'm so happy with how it's turned out and am more motivated to blog than ever!
  • Improving my photos/flat lays. Along with the relaunch of my blog, I wanted to also drastically improve my photography which I provide, particularly when it comes to flat lays. I've been reading a ton of blogs posts in relation to photography and have been experimenting greatly myself. As a result I've learnt more about my DSLR and how to take better quality pictures with it. The highlight for me has been the photo that I included in my Where to Invest & Where to Save with Blogging post (which can also be seen in the top right of the image above).
  • Summer. I feel like summer is finally here. But then and again, at this current moment, it's pretty grey outside. May has most certainly seen the welcoming of the sun and warmer weather here in the UK however, and I've loved spending more time outside and wearing more summery clothes! My bunnies, Tom and Jerry have also been loving this warmer weather too. They're constantly lying out in the sun and love the tasty greens that come along it all too!
  • A new phone. This month also meant goodbye to my Samsung Galaxy J5. After accidentally dropping a can of dry shampoo onto my phone, my phone became completely unresponsive. So now I finally have a iPhone. Yes it is a 5s, so it's a slightly older version, but I can't contemplate spending a significant amount of money on a newer model that's just simply larger and doesn't have very many additional features (in my opinion). It took some getting used to at first, but I love my new phone now!
What have been your highlights in the month of May?

Lots of Love


1 comment

  1. Well done on finishing university. Absolutely loving your Instagram feed! :) xxx

    Sarah / Sarah Smiles


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