Wednesday 22 January 2014

The Liebster Award!!

Hello Lovelies,
So...I've been nominated for The Liebster Award! This is absolutely crazy considering I started my blog only two days ago...what?!?! Thank you so much to Isobel who nominated me for this - I'm just so happy that you and other people take the time to notice my posts and that you enjoy them (even though there are very few at the moment). I couldn't be more thankful!!
The rules are:
1. Link the blog that nominated you for the award.
2. Choose 11 bloggers to nominate who have less than 200 followers.
3. Answer 11 questions given to you. 
4. Let people who you have nominated know you have done so.
5. You can't nominate the person who has nominated you.
6. Create 11 questions for the people you nominated to answer.
7. You must follow the blog that nominated you. 
These are the questions that Isobel has asked me:
1. Why did you start your blog?
I started my blog because I have a big passion for both makeup and fashion and wanted to share my views with the world. I was contemplating whether to start a YouTube or a blog, but instead decided that a blog would be better for me right now (I may start a YouTube in a few months though). I also want to be able to talk to people who have similar interests to me instead of bugging my family and friends with constant conversations over makeup and clothes, haha!
2. Where are you from?
Born and raised in England!
3. Favourite music artist/s?
I love many different music artists but my current favourites have to be Katy Perry, Rihanna, Justin Timberlake and Demi Lovato
4. What did you/do you want to be?
According to my family, when I was young I always wanted to be a popstar (cringey) however I've now grown up and am studying Business Management at University. I'd love to work in a business beauty or fashion related, but I'm not sure in which sector.
5. Have you dyed your hair before?
No, I've always been scared that it'll turn a completely wrong colour to what I want, but for the past few months I have been considering dying my hair lighter or possibly ombre-ing as I loved Vanessa Hudgens hair when it was like that!
6. Favourite make-up brand?
I'm not entirely sure on my favourite make-up brand, as there's not one that stands out more to me than another - I haven't tried a lot of high-end brands too. Looking at my makeup collection though, I would say I have more Rimmel makeup than any other brand, so would say Rimmel!
7. The worst food ever?
It may be surprising to many, but in my opinion, CHERRIES!!!!! I refuse to eat anything that a cherry touches and have always said I'd rather eat 100 sprouts than a single cherry, haha.
8. Heels or flats?
Urm......I would probably say flats as they're much more comfortable, however I love to wear heels when I'm going out and love wearing slightly chunkier heels compared to stiletto's. My favourite and most worn shoes are my black studded boots which have a very slight heel - probably only 1.5 inches which I'd consider to be flat, so flats!
9. Do you have a special talent?
I actually have many different talents that I can do with my face. These may be pretty embarrassing to say...but oh well! I can move my eyebrows, flare my nostrils, flip my tongue over and speak with my mouth closed. I can also sing a bit, but there are many people who are much, much better haha!
10. What was your favourite subject at school?
One of my favourite subjects at school was geography. Even though I have not continued with this (because I wasn't sure where it would lead me personally), I found it very interesting as I would love to travel further around the world in the future and I found the natural disasters part actually quite interesting too!
11. What's your favourite city? If you have one.
My favourite city that I have been fortunate to travel to would probably be Los Angeles. Although there are some areas there that I would never go to there (and some places were a bit tacky), I loved that there was so much to do with gorgeous beaches, Hollywood right on my doorstop, plenty of shopping (that's enough to make me love a place), plus the palm trees everywhere just made it even more beautiful!
Who I have nominated!
My questions for you!
1. What was the first makeup item you wore daily?
2. Do you have any siblings?
3. What is your favourite movie(s)?
4. What is your favourite fashion trend at the moment?
5. If you could only buy one item of makeup for the rest of your life, what would it be?
6. One clothing item you couldn't live without?
7. What is your favourite season of the year? Why?
8. What place would you love to visit?
9. Is there anything beauty related that you wish you could do but can't?
10. Who is your celebrity crush?
11. What is your favourite clothing store? Why?
Thank you again to Isobel for nominating me!!
Lots of Love
Lizzie xx


  1. Absolutely lovely post, I love learning about my fellow bloggers ;)
    Love Isobel | isobelxhayes

  2. Aw lovely! Thank you for nominating me.. Lovely blog xx


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