Sunday 9 February 2014

Review: Revlon Matte & Lacquer Balms

Hello everyone!
As you may have seen in my recent haul, I picked up two of the Revlon Matte & Lacquer Balms, simply because I'd heard great things about these and I love the Revlon Just Bitten Kissable Balm Stains so thought why not give these a go! I thought I'd try them each a few times before I posted a review on them so carry on reading if you want to see what I thought...

These are usually priced at £7.99, however I managed to get them on a three-for-two deal (my mum bought a shade for herself) and I decided to pick up one matte balm (Sultry) and one lacquer balm (Vivacious). There is a wide colour range with many natural shades and some brighter ones, so there is probably something for everyone! Also they are exactly identical to the Revlon balm stains in the way they look, except for the packaging is either matte or shiny and the product still needs to be twisted up like most lip crayons out there!
The first shade I picked up was Sultry - the matte shade! I initially picked up this one because out of the many reviews that I read, this colour was the most popular and looked absolutely gorgeous online (and I was more intrigued by the matte balms). I did think beforehand that it would be a little more natural and pink, however it is more of a maroon colour. I don't mind this because I don't actually have any colours similar to it, but just be warned that it comes out the exact same colour to the tube!! This is a perfect colour for autumn/winter or just generally when the weather is not that great - so ALL the time here in England!
Although these are not stated as being stains unlike the previous balm stains, I find that the lasting power of this matte balm is very good - I went 8 hours without having to reapply!! Also with such a matte product, I wouldn't have expected them to be as moisturising as they are - I just don't know how they do it!

The other shade I chose was Vivacious (a lacquer shade). This is quite a bright pink and I'd compare this colour closely to the Revlon balm stain in Lovesick, just a little bit toned down...and it'll be perfect for Spring, whoo! There is also a slight glitter to this colour, making it shine even more. Again the lacquer balm is very moisturising, however I don't think the staying power is as good with Vivacious compared to Sultry - probably about 4 hours or so, but I don't mind reapplying throughout the day. Although I do like the lacquer balm, I think I would've preferred it more if I bought one of the more natural shades on offer, as I don't think I'll get as much use with this colour, especially since I have some similar colours already - I'm only to blame here!!
Overall, I'm really impressed with these! I probably do prefer the matte over the lacquer, not only because I'm more likely to wear the shade I bought, but because there's very few matte products out there that are so moisturising, however I will make sure to pick up more shades of both the matte and lacquer balms in the future because I do want to try some more wearable shades - if anyone knows of some, please tell me!!
I think that these are on par with the Revlon balm stains and would totally recommend them to anyone - so if your thinking about trying one, go on!!
Have your tried the matte and lacquer balms before? Which do you prefer?
Lot of Love
Lizzie xx



  1. I love the vivacious shade, it's so pretty I think I have to go and get this :)

    1. It is a very pretty colour - just be aware that it is very bright aha!!

      Lizzie xx

  2. Gorgeous colours! I love the look of the matte balm :)

    Hannah @ FashionistaDigital

    1. Thanks, they are beautiful :) The matte balms are amazing!!

      Lizzie xx

  3. very nearly gave in and got these today, i managed to walk away though!! not sure how long I will be able to!!

    xxx | daisydaisyxxo

    1. Haha, I resisted buying them for so long too, but just had to give in!! You'll love them if you end up buying some!

      Lizzie xx

  4. in love with these! i think i prefer the matte

    xx fameliquorlove


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