Saturday 15 February 2014

Top 10 Places I'd Love To Visit!

So today's post is a little different from my usual beauty or fashion posts, it's the top 10 places that I would love to travel to...maybe this post should be called a Travelling Wishlist? Now, I absolutely LOVE travelling (except for the flying part). I've been fortunate to go to a few countries within Europe and some states in the US and after my holiday in the US two years ago, it really got me thinking about other places I'd love to travel to. So I decided to choose the top 10 places and share them with everyone.

Also just so you know, these aren't necessarily places you'd expect the typical 19-year-old to want to travel to (I don't really care for party holidays) and also I'm sure some you may have never heard of a few of these!! Maybe this could give you some ideas if your planning a holiday soon and want to go somewhere just carry on reading!

The credit for the photos are linked in the titles.
This is a new discovery of mine...of course I've heard of the Maldives before, I've just never really looked at it at all before. I'd love to go here for a nice relaxing holiday and just love how away from everything else the islands are.
This is quite similar to the Maldives, but I just love the little huts at Bora Bora, how cute!?!? Not to mention, look at the beautiful water and mountains.
I heard about Yellowstone before I went to the US two years ago as we were planning to travel here, however decided not to in the end. Since then I have been really interested in the national park. The fact that it is the largest volcano in the world must impress you enough, right?? I mean, it doesn't even look like a volcano!! Also look at the waterfall and gorgeous view!
7. Italy
This is probably one of the places that I would be able to visit the soonest because it's one of the closest countries I've chosen. I'd love to go to Venice, Florence and Rome if I was to go to Italy.
6. Hawaii
For years I've been wishing that I could go to Hawaii. It just looks like such a relaxing place, but then there's also the beautiful views and the most active volcano in the I have a strange thing with volcanoes?? Never noticed.
This may sound strange, but the film Rio really made me want to go to Rio de Janeiro...maybe I'll find some singing birds there...maybe not. But anyway, I think the city is just really different to any other place out there and there's a lot to do from relaxing to exploring.
The Masia Mara is a favourite of mine ever since I watched a show called Big Cat Diary when I was little. I love animals and I'd just simply like to go on safari here so I can see animals in their natural habitat!
Do I have to say more?? A lot to do here and A LOT of shopping!!
If I was to ever travel to Thailand, I'd love to go to the coast and also into Bangkok, especially since I saw photos of when FleurdeForce when there on her honeymoon and it looked absolutely stunning!!
This maybe a slightly odd one for my number one, especially considering I'm only 19, but when I saw a picture of the Plitvice Lakes on a calendar - yes, that's how I heard of it, I fell absolutely IN LOVE with the place, I mean just look at the beautiful water - and also you can go swimming in some lakes...I think. As it's only in Croatia, it would probably be easier for me to travel to than a lot of my other choices as well!

Have you been to any of these places? Where would you like to travel to?

Hope you enjoyed this different post!
Tell me if you'd like to see any more similar posts in the future!!

Lots of Love
Lizzie xx



  1. you need to go travelling i did and it was the best thing i ever did there's a blogpost i did about it
    I'm now following you :)

    1. I wish, too bad it costs a lot of money...something I don't have enough of right now :(
      I'll definitely check out your blogpost! And thanks :)

      Lizzie xx

  2. Thank you! I'll make sure to check yours out!

    Lizzie xx


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