Wednesday 19 March 2014

The Makeup Mishaps Tag

After my photos that I took for a university room tour today turned out pretty rubbish (not happy), I decided to search through some blogs to find something quick but fun to write about. After a few minutes I came across this tag which was created by Becca at beccasfashionandlife and decided that I had to do it. It's a really interesting tag and some of the questions were actually quite hard to answer, but make sure to take a look at my answers and see if you agree or not!!

You're going to a high end beauty event - would you rather:
Have really thick, dark, sharpie eyebrows or a major neck/foundation line?
I'd have to say the eyebrows because I think a very clear foundation line just makes anyone look fake and I like bold eyebrows!
Have chipped nail polish or horribly faded lipstick?
Chipped nail polish. I've gone days with having terribly chipped nail polish, plus you can hide your nails, but everyone will see what's on your face.
Have smudged all your eye make up or have lipstick on your teeth?
Definitely lipstick on my teeth because once I notice, it's easy to remove, but if my eye make-up is smudged everywhere, it'll take a lifetime to fix - maybe a bit of an over exaggeration!
Over highlight - a la disco ball - or over pluck those brows and look constantly surprised?
I'd have to choose over highlight. If I over plucked my brows I'd be stuck like that, but I can fix the highlight situation.
It's a typical working/school day, and unfortunately your beauty products have gone missing. You can only find a few things hidden at the bottom of your makeup bag, and have to use what you can find. What do you choose?
OTT unsubtle fake lashes or clear mascara?
Probably clear mascara. Although I do like big bold lashes, I'm not a very big fan of fake lashes, especially if it's very obvious your wearing them...
A foundation five shades too dark or five shades too light?
I'd go for the lighter shade. I'm pretty pale anyway so it would be hard to get one five shades lighter but if I did I'd just put a bit more bronzer on my face (probably all over haha).
Hair-gloss (a beautifully sticky gloss: perfect for getting your hair stuck to in the wind) or gorgeous concealer lips?
I can't stand concealer lips so hair-gloss...I'd just have to hope it was windy!
Finally, it's the middle of summer - you can have either a manicure or a pedicure. However, the other set of nails have to be bare - what do you pick?
I actually don't paint my nails all the time but if I had to choose it would be a manicure - it's just nice for me to look at my nails and see them all freshly painted!
I really enjoyed doing this tag, so I tag everyone!
Also, my university room tour will be up sometime next week when I can bring my camera back to uni, so keep an eye out for that if you're interested.
Lots of Love
Lizzie xx


  1. I loved this tag!
    Much more interesting and abstract questions.
    I think I pretty much agreed with all your answers!
    nailsandteapots xx

    1. Totally agree, so different than any other tag!

      Lizzie xx

  2. What a lovely picture! xx

    1. It's from the creator of the tag's blog (as she said anyone can use it) haha, but thanks :)

      Lizzie xx

    2. It is a beautiful picture!

  3. I agreed mostly with all your answers :) which is pretty awesome

    1. Great, glad to hear I'm not the only person choosing these answers!

      Lizzie xx

  4. Great answers. Especially the over plucking! I would hate to have horrible eyebrows, but it has happened to me.

    Bright and Shiny

    1. Thanks! I was always afraid to over pluck my eyebrows, so didn't start plucking them until a couple of years ago! Glad I did cause I reckon I would've over plucked too, I'm sure they still looked fine though!

      Lizzie xx


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