Tuesday 20 January 2015

Happy 1st Birthday xBeautyMagic!!

It's quite hard to believe that I'm actually saying this, but today is my blog's 1st birthday! Yes, that's right. I've been blogging for exactly one year today! I think it's fair to say that I'm so proud of everything that I've achieved so far, and can only hope everything continues to improve from here!

Some of my favourite achievements and things within the blogging world are:
The Blogging Community
I've been able to speak to so many different bloggers and as a result find a lot of really good blogs which I never would've known about had I not had started to blog. Pretty much everyone within the blogging community has been friendly and welcoming, making it a place I'm really proud to be a part of! I never thought within this time frame I would have this many followers and am thankful for each and every one of you! Also, in all of my posts I've received lovely comments from both bloggers (and non-bloggers) which really motivates me to always improve upon my content and post as consistently as possible!
Working With Brands
I never thought in a million years that I'd be able to work directly with some incredible brands, most of which I'd never heard of before, allowing me to discover loads of new products! With this said, I'm definitely not someone who will jump at the chance to work any brand, regardless as to whether or not they fit in with my blog or not, as I have turned multiple offers down in the past. But those brands that I've had the opportunity to work with have been absolutely incredible! It's just nice to know that these brands recognise my blog and think that they can benefit them in some way or another by working with me.
Learning New Skills
I think whenever you run a blog, chances are when you first start posting, the quality of your blog is not going to be at it's very best. At least that's what I think with my blog. I can remember exactly how my blog looked one year ago, and am so happy that I've learnt so many more skills (such as HTML) to improve upon the layout and design of my blog, although there is always room for improvement. That speckled purple background did not look good! Another thing that I've definitely improved upon a lot is the quality of my photos. A year ago, my photos were very small, very fuzzy and just not appealing to the eye! Now I can safely say that I'm a lot happier with the quality of my photos, and that I now know better ways in which to take photos! I've learnt that big photos with white backgrounds are much more appealing, and editing (slightly) is an important step!
Starting My YouTube Channel
If you're not aware, just last week I began posting videos to my YouTube channel. YouTube is something that I've been wanting to do for at least 2 and a half years, but never had the confidence to do. I was always worried about what people would think about me if I was to start a channel, but after starting a blog, I have finally grown in confidence and decided to start posting videos! After all, if I don't do it now...when will I do it? I can happily say that the feedback on my videos has been nothing but positive so far, and this is something that I genuinely am taking very serious now! I have recently purchased a camera (which should arrive very soon), so fingers crossed the quality will improve! However I am stuck with Windows Movie Maker which is not my ideal editing programme!
I would really appreciate it if you could check out my YouTube channel and hit the Subscribe button HERE!
I hope that you've enjoyed reading xBeautyMagic this past year, whether you started reading my blog exactly a year ago, or you're a newbie!
I can't wait to see where blogging and YouTube will take me this next year! Let's hope it's a good one!
Lots of Love


  1. Happy blog birthday and congratulations on reaching such a great milestone! :)

    Sarah / Sarah Smiles

    1. Thank you! It's so incredible to think it's been an entire year :) x

  2. hi, thanks for your lovely comment over on lovejoystyles.com. happy birthday to your blog1.. thats an accomplishment, blogging takes a whole lot of dedication xx

    1. No problem :) Thanks, it really does, nothing to take with a pinch of salt x

  3. Happy blog birthday!! <3

    I have a new post on the blog, would love to know your thoughts:

    * Electric Sunrise - Fashion and Lifestyle Blog *


  4. Aww happy blog birthday! Wishing you more success your way xxx

    She Will Be

  5. Happy Blog Birthday!! It looks like you've been super busy this past year & have accomplished so much! Congrats!!

    Christian | http://www.mysimplemodestchic.com/

    1. Ah thank you so much! I've definitely had a busy year haha :)

      Lizzie xx


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