Friday 23 January 2015

The Importance Of Primer / Urban Decay Eyeshadow Primer Potion Review

Up until a few months back, I was someone who believed that eyeshadow primer was an unnecessary step to a makeup routine. After all I couldn't be bothered to use a product on my eyes that wouldn't be visible when applied and could "so-called" keep my eyeshadow on all day. And for me I considered the prices of the most raved about primers to be too high for my budget.
Then rewind to around October time, when my opinion on all of this changed completely. Previously I would only wear eyeshadow on special occasions or night outs, but I then started wearing it on pretty much a daily basis. I found that roughly 4 hours after I'd applied my eyeshadow, it had creased so much that all you could pretty much see on my eyelids was a little brown line...not attractive in the slightest! And by this point I knew that I'd need to try a primer.

I decided to grab the Urban Decay Primer Potion in Original (which I actually received for my birthday instead), as this is by far the primer that I've heard the most positive reviews about. It was either this or the Too Faced Shadow Insurance. At £16, again I did think that it was a little steep for such a product, but if it works it'll all be worth it, right? I'm sure you're aware by now but the original primer is a colourless product - there are other options available, however I thought that I had enough eyeshadows at this point, and adding a coloured primer would simply mean I'd stop using some of these...sort of contradicting what I said before about using a product that wouldn't be visible on my eyes.
I simply sweep this product all over my eyelids and around the crease, and it blends in can't even tell it's there. I then apply whichever shadows I'm planning to wear that day and I'm good to go!
Looking back, I really wish that I'd begun to use primers at a much earlier date. I can't believe how long I went around wearing creased eyeshadow, probably looking like a right idiot who had no idea what she was doing with her makeup! Honestly, I rave about this product so much to everyone now and if I'm wearing eyeshadow I cannot live without this - it's that important! I'd much rather wear no eyeshadow than wearing eyeshadow with no primer!
This primer has definitely given me a different perspective on the product overall, I honestly think that gorgeous eyeshadow isn't 100% down to the quality of the shadows you use, but it's down to whether you use a good primer or not. Yes Urban Decay shadow will create a beautiful look, but a good primer will maintain it, and this is definitely the primer to get!
I also received samples of all four primers with my Naked 3 palette for Christmas, so I'm certainly excited to see how the others work in comparison to the original. I will keep you updated!
Have you tried the Urban Decay Primer Potions?
Lots of Love
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  1. Lovely review! I've been meaning to pick up the urban decay primer!


    1. Thanks hun! You definitely should, it's incredible <3

      Lizzie xx

  2. Great review! I've heard so much about this, I must try it out for myself! x

    Bridie | Upon My Sleeve

    1. Thank you! You definitely should, it gets all these rave reviews for a reason haha!

      Lizzie xx

  3. I have a few eye primers but this seems like the best one of them all! I only ever hear amazing things about it. NEED.
    x x | daisydaisyxxo

    1. It really is amazing, but then and again it's the only ever primer I've tried haha! You definitely need to get it!

      Lizzie xx

  4. I've only tried the sample size of this. I actually just use a cheap MUA one and it actually seems to do the job surprisingly so I really like it! :)

    Sarah / Sarah Smiles

    1. Ooh I've never heard anything about the MUA one, I'll definitely have to try that one soon, especially since I can imagine it's a fraction of the price :D

      Lizzie xx

  5. Completely agree, although the urban decay primer potion in sin is gorgeous! But original is the best option ☺️X

    1. Ahh glad you do! I've got a little sample of Sin so I'm really excited to try it, definitely looks like the most beautiful of them all <3

      Lizzie xx

  6. i have to admit i'm not the best at using primers but i do love the porefessional primer from benefit! also i'm following you on bloglovin now so i'd really appreciate it if you checked my blog out :)

    love katy @ THE RAWRDROBE ♡

    1. I've yet to use the Porefessional but it does sound amazing! I might have to give it a go soon :)
      I'll definitely check your blog out!

      Lizzie xx

  7. I just started using an eye primer this month and I totally agree with you - can't believe what I was missing! It's great still having your eye shadow look intact come the evening after applying it first thing in the morning.

    I've had my eye on the Urban Decay primers for a while, so might have to treat myself!

    Great post :)
    Charlotte xx

    1. At least we've come to our senses and bought some primers - I honestly don't know why I didn't use it before! You should definitely treat yourself, can't rave about them enough <3

      Lizzie xx

  8. love this primer :)

    I'm running a giveaway (lorac pro pallet+ the wet brush), if you're interested, check this link:
    little taste of heaven


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