Yes, I'm a day late, but as I was at work the entire day, I didn't really have any time to blog. I hope you all had a lovely New Years; I celebrated ringing in the new year surrounded by my family, how about yourself?
Today, I'm going to reflect upon some of my biggest achievements and favourite things I did during 2014, as well as talking about some of those that I want to do during this upcoming year. These won't necessarily be New Year's resolutions, as I've never really been into making resolutions, but they'll be some sort of guidance as what I want to do/achieve in 2015.
Creating my blog
My blog, is by far one of my biggest achievements of 2015. On January the 20th, it'll be an entire year since I very first posted on this blog, and I can't quite believe how much I've learnt and achieved in that time. It was initially a difficult step for me to take as firstly I thought I wouldn't be good enough, and secondly I thought that so many people would judge me in a negative way, but this was completely not the case and I would recommend to anyone wishing to start a blog to do so. My blog and I have grown so much over the year, and I've been able to evolve my blog to be more creative and look more professional. It's now something that I'm actually very proud of, and have started to tell increasingly more people of. It has also allowed me to communicate with other bloggers and discover new blogs that I otherwise would've not know about.
Travelling to Florida
One of my favourite experiences this year was certainly travelling the Florida. After all, Disney is the happiest place in the world. I had been prior to this year, but I was very excited to return, especially to go back to the theme parks and go on rides that I have previously not been on, and of course visit Harry Potter world! We also got to travel down to the Florida Keys, which was a completely new experience for me and allowed me to see part of the world which I have previously known little of.
Getting my first permanent job
This year, after a long search, I was able to get my first ever permanent job. I was definitely extremely proud of myself for achieving this, as obviously the job market is so competitive now, but it's also meant that I've been able to do a lot more things. Having some sort of income means that I'm able to actually go out and spend more time with my friends. I've been able to buy more fashion and makeup items that I ever could've imagined, which inevitably means I've got more to blog about haha! I honestly don't know how I survived before!
Being more organised
Over this coming year organisation is definitely something that I need to improve upon. Whilst I say this, I would like to point out that in general I am a very organised person, especially when it comes to work and university. However, I find that sometimes I tend to slack with the organisation of my blog posts. I will admit that although I would tell many people to have multiple posts written and ready, I'm guilty of not always doing this. I'm going to keep more organised by writing more lists, making sure that I know what I'm writing about, when I'm writing it and when I'm posting it, therefore I have some sort of schedule to stick to. I already have my next 3 posts planned!
Communicating with more bloggers
Although I previously said that blogging has allowed me to communicate more with other bloggers, this is definitely something that I'd like to make more effort with. I'd honestly love to have friends in the blogging community who I talk to on a regular basis, but right this moment, I just don't have that. In order to meet other bloggers, I'd love to attend at least one meetup during this year. But during this last year, it was certainly a struggle for me, as many of the events occurred whilst I was at work...
Saving money
I would in no way say that I don't ever save money, in fact I'd say I'm pretty decent at it. I've never been that person who spends every penny they receive, the moment they receive it. I don't feel like that's right. However, I would like to save even more money this upcoming year. I'd like to think that at some point during 2015, I'll be able to buy a camera. I personally want a DSLR; something that can take amazing pictures, as well as something to film with. However, as these cost quite a bit of money, it's certainly something I need to save up for. Any suggestions on cameras?
During 2012, I was lucky enough to travel around Western USA. Since then, I have grown a great interest in travelling, visiting new and exciting places, specifically in the USA. This year, I plan to travel even more, especially as I already have a holiday booked within the North East of the USA this year (potentially venturing into Canada too). Something that I'm keen to do is to travel to all 50 states of the US. I currently have 5 down, and I could travel to as many as 9 during this holiday, bumping my total up to 14...only 36 to go!
One of my biggest enemies. Saying this, I did pass my driving test well over a year ago, but for me, driving is a massive struggle. It's not so much that I'm a bad driver, it's just that I'm a big worrier, and can freak out when there's a lot of other cars around and because of this, I refuse to drive on my own. Although I can tell that I'm improving already, during 2015, I want to improve more so on my driving, practicing more frequently and going out more often during busier times. It may not sound like much, but by the end of this year, I want to drive alone, as I can't buy my own car until I'm comfortable driving on my own.
I'd love to know if anyone would be interested in hearing about my struggles with driving, and documenting any progress I make upon it...something a little bit different on my blog, that's never really spoken about anywhere.
I want 2015 to be the best year imaginable, where I'm able to experience new things, better myself and continually improve upon my blog. I hope you all have a wonderful year!
What were some of your biggest achievements during 2014?
Do you have any New Year's Resolutions?
Lots of Love

Great goals! I hope you achieve them all! :)
ReplyDeleteAlex //
Ah thanks :) We'll have to see haha!
DeleteLizzie xx
Happy new year x
ReplyDeleteHeather | Of Beauty & Nothingness - My Massive Blog Sale Is Now Live!
Happy New Year to you too! Hope you have a wonderful year :)
DeleteLizzie xx
seems like you had a great year! good luck for your goals in 2015!
ReplyDeletefrom helen at
It's definitely been one of the best for me personally :) Thank you ♥
DeleteAh thank you! Sorry for the late reply! I will check it out now x