Wednesday 17 December 2014

Winter Beauty Essentials / The 12 Days of Blogmas #5


As the colder months approach, I tend to lean towards different beauty products than those I would've relied on a couple of months ago. It's apparent that with the colder months comes drier skin, a higher chance of getting a cold and obviously a change in the beauty trends, so here are some of my beauty essentials to help me battle through this season!

 Already having relatively dry skin, I find that due to the lack of moisture in the air, my skin tends to suffer the most in this Winter weather. After looking for a new moisturiser for a while, the L'Oreal Triple Active Nourish Moisturiser is now my go to product to help me combat this. I found that (at least a lot of the moisturisers I saw) tended to focus more so on people with oilier skin, which would obviously in no way benefit me; but the great thing about this range is that they offer a different moisturiser for every skin type, be it dry, oily or normal. I apply this once in the morning and once at night and find that it's leaves my skin smoother a little more dewier. It also helps my makeup glide on a lot easier, particularly around my nose which is the area I have the most problems with in terms of dry skin. If your on the lookout for a new moisturiser (especially if you have dry skin), I would definitely recommend that you check out this range!
I've also been loving the NSPA Replenishing Moisture Mask to also help with my dry skin. I'll only tend to use this once or twice a week but I've never used a product that keeps my skin feeling so much more moisturised days after I've used the product. I can't quite put into words how I love this! I believe this line is only sold in ASDA, but if you do suffer with dry skin, I can't recommend this enough!
I also rely a large amount on Nivea Lip Butters, especially if I've picked up a cold and have extremely dry lips. Although I'm not crazy about the raspberry scent, I can't deny that these are one of the most moisturising lip balms I've ever used. It's also the perfect size to carry around and super cheap too! No more cracked lips...ever again!!
When it comes to these colder months, I'm sure I'm not the only one who becomes obsessed with darker lips. I'm absolutely loving this dark purple Makeup Revolution lipstick that I recently received. For just £1 these lipsticks are, in my opinion absolutely incredible. They have amazing pigmentation and last quite a long time on the lips, and Rebel With Cause is just the perfect vampy Winter shade! I'll definitely need to look at buying some more in the near future!
Finally, a waterproof mascara is essential for me during these colder days, such as the Maybelline The Collosal Volum' Express. I find that my eyes tend to water quite often anytime when I'm outside for more than 5 or 10 minutes. I don't know why, but because of this I need a waterproof mascara, or else I'll most likely look like a panda...not my go-to look. I find that this one will usually stay on my lashes though if I do have watery eyes. However , if I put it on my lower lashes, it will sometimes transfer underneath my eyes creating that awkward little line, so this is something that I always need to be aware of. If you know of any mascaras that never do this, then make sure to let me know in the comments below!
Make sure to keep an eye out for my Winter fashion essentials in a few days - there's some good'uns!
What are you Winter beauty essentials?
Lots of Love


  1. I love the Nivea lip butter! x

    I've got a naked basics 2 palette giveaway on my blog if you want to take a look :)

  2. I need to pick up a new lip balm, I think I will give the Nivea lip butter a go - I think I would like the Raspberry scent!

    The Velvet Black // UK Style & Beauty Blog

    1. I would definitely give it a go! I think most people would like the scent to be fair!

      Lizzie xx

  3. I do quite like that mascara, so good for the money!

    Annabel ♥
    Mascara & Maltesers

    1. I don't think you can really knock any Maybelline mascaras! They definitely do some of the best :)

      Lizzie xx

  4. That lipstick is amazing! Definitely picking it up next time I'm out! I do love a vampy lip.

    Elesaurus |
    Youtube - Eleanor Rose

    1. Wouldn't blame you, it's absolutely gorgeous! Can't resist a little bit of dark lipstick :D

      Lizzie xx

  5. I need to pick up that lipstick! It looks great! Lovely post x

    1. You certainly do, it's incredible value for money too! I need to pick some more up myself!
      Thank you, glad you enjoyed :)

      Lizzie xx

  6. I can't believe the lipstick was only £1, amazing'
    Everything featured here looks great!
    Jess x

    1. It's really quite hard to believe, especially considering how good it is!

      Lizzie xx


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