Tuesday 31 January 2017

My Month On Instagram | January

I love Instagram. I would most certainly go as far as saying that it's by far my favourite social media platform; unless you're counting YouTube as a similar platform. During 2016 I decided to dedicate a greater amount of time to Instagram and as a result saw my following grow from just under 200 to over 3000; an incredible growth in my opinion! I've started experimenting with Instagram Stories (as I'm useless on Snapchat) and enjoy sharing my many photos with anyone who may be interested! I just love it!

So as I love Instagram so much I've decided to start a monthly roundup series on my blog, showcasing some of my most important or memorable moments throughout the month, be as big or as small as they may be, as well as discussing my activity on Instagram to show the progression of my page. 

1. Buying Far Too Much
January was definitely one of those months where I splashed the cash. With that said, with so many incredible deals on after the Christmas period, it's hard to pass upon the array of fantastic sales. In fact, I've accrued so many beauty products this past month that I can't even fit them in my makeup storage. I know, I feel terrible! But I do currently only use one drawer for all of my makeup (even though it is quite large)...in February I think I'll be looking for some additional makeup storage. The makeup that I was certainly the most excited for was ColourPop; being the only makeup that I've actually managed to blog about so far! We'll be having many, many more beauty reviews coming in the near future!

2. The #GoGlamGala
This month also involved me attending my very first blogging event, and what an incredible first event to go to. I've written a full post about my experiences at the #GoGlamGala which can be read here, but it was honestly so amazing to even be invited to an event attended by so many influential bloggers. I even got to meet InTheFrow who is my all-time favourite within this community!

3. A Short Trip To London
As I was heading down to the #GoGlamGala which was taking place in Westminster, I also needed to do a little exploring throughout the capital! Having not been to London for an insane 9 years (yes, I only live about 2 hours from London), I found it incredibly exciting to do all of the little touristy things, like checking out Big Ben, Oxford Street and Buckingham Palace, and I'll hopefully be making plans to go back in no time. Check out what we got up to in full here!

4. An improvement in photography
At the start of December I decided to become more involved with blogging, improving on as many aspects as I possibly could. I saw a drastic improvement in my photos during December, but I also saw a significant improvement this past month too. Through experimenting with more props, backgrounds and photo editing my photos for my blog have come on leaps and bounds. And what's better is that they make for perfect posts to my Instagram, brightening up my overall page!

My Instagram Page January Growth/Progression
January has been a great month for me in terms of Instagram. Towards the beginning of the month I began posting roughly 4 or 5 times a week. I was somewhat active, but I wasn't seeing much growth or improvement in my page. As the month began to draw to a close I decided to have a little change on my Instagram by posting roughly 1 to 3 times a day. Just by doing this alone, I noticed a greater amount of activity on my page, be that through likes, comments or follows. I also recently decided to add an extra element to my photos; a white border. I want to make my photos flow a little more and simply adding a white border helps to bring them all together and make them look like they belong in one place...does that make sense? Basically it helps with showing some sort of 'theme' on my Instagram. By applying these tactics, I'm hoping to see some greater growth on the platform further down the line!

What have you been up to throughout January?

Lots of Love

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