Tuesday 3 January 2017

Rewind To Christmas Day

I know it's all been done and gone, but I refuse to believe that Christmas is truly over. The festive season is one of my favourite times of year and as soon as the New Year has passed everything is over. Just like that. And then we all have to get back into the swing of things and go back to normal. Or even worse for me, we have to brave the dreaded cold. Honestly after it's all over, the only thing I want is for summer to roll around. But today we're going back. I'm having a look at my Christmas day, what I did on that one special day, and I'm sharing it with you!

I'm sure for many of us, Christmas morning usually consists of waking up earlier than usual, heading downstairs, and opening presents. Evidently when I was younger, it also consisted of checking to see if Santa had eaten his mince pie and the reindeers had demolished their carrot, but I think I passed that stage a while back. As tradition, we always play some of the classic Christmas songs in the background whilst we give each other and open gifts; Bing Crosby, Shakin' Stevens and Wham! to name a few. And once that is done we head upstairs to put everything in our rooms and get ready for the day ahead.

Each year we make sure to alternate between which grandparents we spend Christmas Day with. As my Mums parents spent the day with us last year, it was time for my Dads this year. However we'll always visit the other set of grandparents in the morning - lets make sure they're not forgotten! 

But the festivities truly start as soon as Christmas dinner rolls around and by the point my grandparents have arrived, there's a mere hour or so to wait. Beforehand we decorate the table with as many festive decorations we can find, placing each spot with their very own cracker. Christmas dinner at our house is pretty traditional; turkey with some veggies, roast potatoes and our plates are filled with sausage meat, stuffing and pigs in blankets - a once in a year treat, and one of those reasons I look forward to Christmas dinner so much!

As the day begins to roll to a close, we finish by playing a selection of games. From memory on Christmas Day itself we played a couple of card games, boggle, as well as Pictopia, a new Disney game I actually received for Christmas...sad, I know! And as I always must, I made sure to stay awake past midnight so I could live out as much of Christmas as is possible - something  I always tend to do on special days! And sadly it was back to work for me on Boxing Day...it all ends so quickly!

What do you typically get up to on Christmas Day?

Lots of Love

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