Friday 2 December 2016

22 Things I've Learnt In 22 Years

Yes, it did happen over a week ago now, but I am now at that stage in my life where I can sing Taylor Swift's "22" with actual relevance to my life. I know, pretty amazing right?! 

Saying that, over these last 22 years, whilst I may have made many mistakes, I've also accomplished quite a lot, and through both my failures and successes I would say I've learnt a fair amount in my life...about life. And so why not share with you a random assortment of 22 things that I've learnt over the years. Here goes!

  1. Everyone makes mistakes. It's life. It's what you can take away from those mistakes that's more important.
  2. Knowledge is key. Not necessarily meaning go and study, go to university, do a masters, but have a willingness to learn about those things around you. 
  3. Explore. There is so much diversity in this world, so much to see and so little time to see it. Travelling has given me a greater appreciation for everything around me.
  4. Take time to yourself. While it's nice to spend time with family and friends, lying in bed watching an abundance of YouTube videos whilst drinking a hot chocolate is also needed sometimes.
  5. Treat everyone as an equal. Race, religion, gender, sexuality etc. should not influence the way you treat an individual. Unless someone has done something evidently wrong e.g. commit a crime, be wrongfully disrespectful to others, I believe on treating everyone with respect.
  6. It's okay to just let it all out. Sometimes breaking down and having a good ol' cry is the first step to recovering from certain situations.
  7. Treasure those special to you. No one will be here forever.
  8. You need to be selfish sometimes. Maybe I shouldn't be telling you this, but...example! During university I would be so willing to use my precious time to help others with assignments that mine would be put at risk. Especially with university, you're paying so much to be there that you need to focus solely upon yourself. If you're that person always being asked for help, just make it seem as though you're massively struggling with your assignment; it might be a little white lie, but in that situation I wish I'd learnt to be more selfish earlier!
  9. Explore with your taste buds. Try new foods. Over the last few years I had never tried foods like quinoa, avocados and hummus, and now all three have become an absolute favourite of mine!
  10. Find something that you love about yourself and stop dwelling on the negatives. Growing up, I stopped focussing on those things that I disliked about myself and began to focus on loving parts of my body and personality instead.
  11. Happiness is the best revenge. 
  12. Don't bow down to societal pressures. If you don't want to drink, don't. If you don't want to smoke, don't. Don't do anything you're not comfortable doing.
  13. Save early. Money doesn't just grow on trees...well I guess it does, but being able to buy a car, a house etc. is becoming increasingly expensive. Saving from a young age will certainly help you as you grow up.
  14. Finding love is hard. It doesn't just happen like a Nicholas Sparks movie...basically how 13-year-old Lizzie thought it all happened... 
  15. Be kind to others. Say please and thank you, smile at others, and occasionally get told off by your Grandma when you say "what" instead of pardon. 
  16. Over-thinking a situation will only make it more stressful. Relax. 
  17. Try to take the best out of a negative situation. You may not have had the best day, but what's something positive that you can take away from it, or what's something that you can learn from the situation.
  18. Procrastination is not key. As a first year uni student this was me all over; by second year I kicked my arse into gear and everything became much less stressful.
  19. Not everyone will like you (especially in the online world). Invest time on those who deserve it and choose to ignore the hate and negativity.
  20. Friends come and go, but there will always be those few who stick with you no matter what. Hold onto them.
  21. Stop putting things off! It'll only become harder and more stressful the longer you leave something.
  22. Be you. There is no one else like you in the world.

What is the most important lesson you've learnt in your life?

Lots of Love

1 comment

  1. Loved all your points, especially point 9 and 22. Great blog post.



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