Saturday 10 December 2016

How Christmas Changes As You Get Older!

I'm not old. As much as I like to say I am, I'm 22. I'm really not old. But as I've gotten older, things have definitely changed. And Christmas is one of those things I've noticed drastic changes in over recent years.

As a kid, I think it's fair to say that many of us are a little selfish, thinking of all the toys we'll receive on the big day, possibly for months in advance. I'm not afraid to admit that I was selfish in a way; I was a kid. I would spend an entire day flicking through the Argos catalogue and noting down all the presents I wanted that year...I'm not alone, I've heard of many others doing this too! 

But as I've grown (and I'm sure for many of you too), I've begun to realise what Christmas is really about. Yes it's lovely to receive gifts, it's also lovely to give gifts; in fact I love shopping for gifts so as the individual I'm shopping for isn't as I would say "awkward". And on another note, one of my favourite days of the year is the day we put up our Christmas tree. But as corny as it may sound, I started to realise that Christmas is really about family and spending time with those who you truly care about. Christmas is really that one and only time of the year that I get to see my entire family all at once; where we all come together for food, games and just general festive chats, and I treasure all of that - I know, you want me to stop with all the cheesy slop...

But just remember that regardless of your age, Christmas isn't all about the gifts you receive, it's about the memories that you make. Horrible as it may sound, you never know when your last Christmas with anyone will be, so cherish every moment.   

I've also filmed the Christmas Tag on my YouTube channel, talking about all things festive! 

What is Christmas all about for you? Has it changed since you were younger?

Lots of Love

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